شهر لیلونگوه، پایتخت شگفت انگیز مالاوی.
Lilongwe City, the Amazing Capital of Malawi.
لیلونگوه پایتخت و پرجمعیتترین شهر کشور آفریقایی مالاوی است، جمعیت آن بر اساس سرشماری سال 2018، 989,318 نفر است که از جمعیت 674,448 در سال 2008 افزایش یافته است. این رقم در سال 2020 بود.
Lilongwe is the capital and most populated city of the African country of Malawi, it has a population of 989,318 as of the 2018 Census, up from a population of 674,448 in 2008. In 2020 that figure was 1,122,000. The city is located in the central region of Malawi, in the district of the same name, near the borders of Mozambique and Zambia, and it is an important economic and transportation hub for central Malawi. It is named after the Lilongwe River.
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