نیامی پایتخت نیجر 2020
Niamey the Capital City of Niger 2020
نیامی پایتخت و بزرگترین شهر کشور نیجر در غرب آفریقا است. نیامی در رودخانه نیجر قرار دارد و عمدتاً در ساحل شرقی قرار دارد. جمعیت نیامی تا کنون 978029 نفر بوده است
Niamey is the capital and largest city of the West African country of Niger. Niamey lies on the Niger River, primarily situated on the east bank. Niamey's population was counted as 978,029 as of the 2012 census; the Niamey Capital District, covering 670 km2, had 1,026,848 people. As of 2017, population projections show the capital district growing at a slower rate than the country as a whole, which has the world's highest fertility rate. The city is located in a pearl millet growing region, while manufacturing industries include bricks, ceramic goods, cement and weaving. Please subscrition to Discover Africa New Channel Official Youtube to get notified when we release new video!!
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