هراره پایتخت زیمبابوه 2020
Harare The Capital City of Zimbabwe 2020
هراره به طور رسمی سالزبری تا سال 1982 پایتخت و پرجمعیت ترین شهر زیمبابوه بود. مساحت این شهر 960.6 کیلومتر مربع و جمعیت آن در سال 2009 بالغ بر 1606000 نفر تخمین زده شده است که 2800000 نفر در این شهر هستند.
Harare officially Salisbury until 1982 is the capital and most populous city of Zimbabwe. The city proper has an area of 960.6 km2 and an estimated population of 1,606,000 in 2009, with 2,800,000 in its metropolitan area in 2006. Situated in north-eastern Zimbabwe in the country's Mashonaland region, Harare is a metropolitan province, which also incorporates the municipalities of Chitungwiza and Epworth. The city sits on a plateau at an elevation of 1,483 metres (4,865 feet) above sea level and its climate falls into the subtropical highland category. Please subscrition to Discover Africa New Channel Official Youtube to get notified when we release new video,like , comment and share the video. Thanks for watching!!
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